Monday, December 24, 2007

Merry Christmas!!

Christmas is here again. To many, that means presents ad laughter but to me, it means 2 days till Honduras!!! Yipee, I can not wait. Please pray that no one gets sick while we are there. A friend of our's caught a stomach bug and the last thing I want to do on my mission trip is throw up. I am scared of throwing up as it is. Pray for traveling mericies and hopefully, everything will go well. Thanks,

Saturday, December 22, 2007

Aher's Birthday Party ( A little late) and Belt Promotion

I have been meaning to post pictures of Asher's Birthday party but I forgot to download them. Asher had a karate birthday party which he loved. He had about 10 friends there and he had a blast. Our karate teacher, Mr. Ravedutti ( We call him fruit man) ran the party for him. We didn't have to do a thing. The karate school does it all. The other pictures are of the boy's recent belt promotion. Kayla and I were going to promote but due to issues at home, we didn't. We caught it form our teacher. One thing about karate is they inforce respect, disepline, honesty, and other important morals. My mom likes that a lot. Asher moved up to yeallow belt and Ia is blue recomended ( Once you hit blue, you go to something called the decided belts. It goes blue, blue decided, brown, brown decided, red, red decided, and the belt everyone knows. Black. Ian is on his way to becoming a black belt. Enjoy the photos

Wednesday, December 19, 2007

What we have been up to.

I haven't posted in so long. School has been so demanding and between school, work, and karate, I have had no time. I ma on break so I am enjoying it while I can. I am extremly excited because in one week, I will set out on my first mission trip. It is not in the United States. I am going to Honduras!!! I can not wait. I am going with Sera and my dad and we leave the 27th of December. Of course, that means I need shots. That was easily taken care of. My dad ordered the shots and my mom gave them to me. The joy of having a nurse for a mom. I did not enjoy taking them but I would rather take them than get sick. Now I have two sore arms and relief that it is out of the way. I also have picked up some type of throat/flue bug and have had that since Saturday. That was not fun because we were attending our annual karate gala which is supposed to be fun. I thought that my one karate teacher had made me sick because she had the same bug a week before but I found out that I made her sick. Whoops : ) Hope she feels better ad has no hard feelings. She is a third degree black belt and could knock me out cold if she wanted to. Anyway, all the nessesary prep work for our mission trip is almost done. All we have to do is pack. I may not post till we get back depending on how much time I have so if I can't then this is bye. I will update on evrything else soon.