Monday, June 18, 2007

Bye Bye Bella, Hello Braces

We have been petsitting for some friends the past week and have gotton some what attached to their puppy. Her name is Bella and she is a black Cockapoo. She is sweet but oh so very hyper. Her and Elly are very good friends and were always playing with each other. Now the day has come. Her owners are coming to retrieve their pooch. The house will seem quiet without the cute puppy but we still have four dogs to look after. Another thing happened today. Kayla got Braces!!!! She is not too thrilled and was making up names to call herself as she walked into the office. Metal mouth, Train track face, Silver lips, and many more. She actually looks older with them ( don't tell her I said that) She is feeling sore but not sore enough to skip youth group tonight. She even had a piece of chocolate cake for supper. All I got was mashed potatoes and Advil. Oh well, guess I am beeter off with just a retainer. Supper is calling. Have a great day.

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